Mississippi Isshinryu Karate
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"All things begin with one"

The above statement was Shimabuku Tatsuo's reply when Kaneshi Eiko, one of Tatsuo's senior students, asked him why he was naming his new style of karate Isshin-ryu



Tomoe (Mitsu tomoe, futatsu tomoe, tomoe-mon, fire-wheel)

Definition: This symbol is ubiquitous on Buddhist and Shinto temples all over Japan. Its name is tomoe, meaning turning or circular (sometimes, "earth"). The tomoe is related to the yin yang symbol, and has a similar meaning, representing the play of forces in the cosmos. Visually, it is made up of interlocked flames resembling tadpoles.

The most common tomoe emblem has three flames (triple, or 'mitsu' tomoe"), but one, two, or four are not uncommon. A triple (mitsu) Tomoe reflects the threefold division of Shinto cosmology, and is said to represent the earth, the heavens, and humankind. It is often associated with the Shinto war deity Hachiman.

A tomoe-mon is a tomoe used as a kamon, or family crest, a device similar to a coat of arms. This is the kamon, or crest Shimabuku had on his kimono in his formal photo.


Definition: The enso, a simple circle drawn with a single, broad brushstroke, is the Zen symbol of infinity. It represents the infinite void, the 'no-thing,' the perfect meditative state, and Satori (enlightenment.)


The Yin Yang (Ch) or In'yo (Jp) is the easily recognized Chinese symbol of the interplay of forces in the universe. In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang represent the two primal cosmic forces in the universe. Yin (moon) is the receptive, passive, cold female force. Yang (sun) is masculine- force, movement, heat.

The Yin Yang symbol represents the idealized harmony of these forces; equilibrium in the universe. In ancient Taoist texts, white and black represent enlightenment and ignorance, respectively.

Here are some key Yin/Yang associations
Yin Yang
female male
earth heaven
moon sun
black white
darkness light
fat muscle, bone
soft hard
in out
horizontal vertical

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